

Gloomberg Tech

What's next for Sunspot? Sources say WiFi, photos

May 1st, 2028

Where were you when you first heard "the Song"? Thankfully, not everyone remembers, thanks to what's now a household name: Sunspot.

For those who kept the memories, the weeks afterward were fraught: awkward conversations, panicked posts. Burrowed into everyone's ear, it seemed, was the outcome of that now-infamous AI music experiment out of a Hungarian lab.

Most coped, but some profited. Much like video conferencing companies in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, pharma giants who manufactured sleeping pills saw meteoric stock rallies. And new companies were born. Enter Sunspot, founded by team of ex-Googlers, its name inspired by that unforgettable (ha!) film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Despite their early efforts notoriously being stalled by bugs and the song’s persistence on local devices and various corners of the web, their own persistence was greater, and they gave the world a way out of the nightmare. Their flagship product's ability to keep thoughts at bay without the need for total forgetting has been a game changer, with 97 out of 100 users now reporting that the cessation of that intrusive tune comes with zero side effects.

Reputable sources with ties to Sunspot leadership confirmed this week that the company is breaking ground on new research. Two projects, codenamed ‘Kraken’ and ‘Pandora,’ are being directed toward new functionality, including short-range WiFi communication that some are calling 'telepathy' and even visual data.

Multiple defense contractors are reported to have lined up to test prototypes, while new consumer services are rumored to be hitting the market early next year. Details remain scarce but one thing’s for sure: for Sunspot shareholders, 2029 will be a year to remember.